
Frequently asked questions

Below you'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

If you have another question, please contact us via the contact form.


Is there a registration fee?

I am not a citizen of the country in which I work. Can I still take part in the competition?

Can I take part if I'm a Chef pâtissier?

Are private chefs accepted?

Does the organisation provide the ingredients for the international final?

How much time will we have during the international final?

How many side dishes should I prepare?

Are there any prohibited ingredients?

Can I bring pre-prepared products?

Can I bring fermented products?

Will my dish be judged on seasonality?

What does the required recipe test involve?

Who will attend the coaching session?

Does the organisation cover transport costs?

French isn't my native language; will that be a problem during the international final?

I've already sent in my application but I'd like to add or change some photos. Can I do that?

Are all cooking methods accepted?